Author: PS3 Home

It seems fair to say that the PS3 has an impressive catalogue of PlayStation 3 exclusive titles. There is always something very satisfying when playing a title that isn’t otherwise available on another console. Sony has plenty to offer in this department. So, here we present you with 5 amazing games that you’ll only be able to play if you own a PS3. Let’s begin. The Last of Us Any fan of the horror-adventure genre is sure get their fix from this amazing Naughty Dog title. Arguably the best game to have released on the PS3 to-date, you won’t want…

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Most gamers believe they know all there is to know about the PlayStation 3. After all, the first PS3 came out in North America back in November of 2006, about a decade ago. Believe it or not, this sleek console may still have a few surprises for you. The PS3 was one of the quietest consoles on the market when it was released. When it’s operating normally, the sound it makes is 22 decibels on the loudness scale, which is barely more than a soft whisper. Take a moment to listen to your PS3 and appreciate the technology that went…

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Despite having had the launch of its older brother, the PS3 remains as one of the most attractive consoles in recent years. Having made the jump from the infamous PS2 era, the PS3 presented a significant change in performance, gameplay and graphics, and led the way to a new console gaming future. For fans of the PS3, here are a few accessories to keep the gaming love alive. ThrustMaster Ferrari Racing Wheel – Red Legend Edition Fans of racing games will lick their lips as the latest PS3 accessory by ThrustMaster presents a bright red racing wheel. With a Ferrari…

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We thought it good to take a look back on what has now become a modern classic, an iconic franchise for the PlayStation brand – LittleBigPlanet. Laying out a strange little story involving protagonist Sackboy (actually, “sackperson” would be more appropriate considering that you can also play as Sackgirl) and a mad quest to go off in search of one of the “creators”, this charming game is equal parts platformer and world builder. Of course, the actual plot is little more than a means to an end, a loose premise by which the gameplay can be made accessible. Throughout the…

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Surely it is often said, that most racing games are “fun” or manage to “bring together” two or more elements in a successful way, where gameplay is concerned.  But with MX vs. ATV – we’re really talking about a multifaceted racer that achieves quite a lot on multiple fronts without fully dedicating itself to any of them.  Don’t get the wrong idea, of course, this is a title which does what it does in the context of some gritty, exciting action.  You’ll blast around the track vying for position as others wisk around you and try to throw you off…

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If you’re the type of gamer who prefers polished experiences, well thought-out gameplay and magnificent stories, Risen 3: Titan Lords might not do it for you.  Simply put, this game is more or less deeply flawed in a number of ways that might end up making it feel rushed, incomplete or even outright lacking altogether.  For many fans of the series, this is of course a big let-down, because a lot of individuals were really hoping that developer Piranha Bytes would get things right with this one.  Sadly, it would seem to be yet another missed opportunity of sorts, so…

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When a lot of PC gamers heard that they were porting Diablo III (as well as switching up the controls, which would significantly affect gameplay) many of them immediately began shouting “blasphemy!”   The sentiment from die-hard fans was basically, “how dare they alter something like this”, etc.  On the one hand, it’s not hard to see why they’d get upset; this is after all, one of those fairly unique franchises (on PC at least) so changing things around could be construed as messing up the formula.  The truth is, however, Diablo III on the PS3 is awesome, it’s an action-packed…

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It would be all too easy to simply label Keen Games’ “Sacred 3” a somewhat less-polished Diablo 3 of sorts…it does, after all look and feel somewhat similar.  These likenesses are only skin deep of course, and in truth we’re only talking about general combat and the isometric viewpoint here.  Story and gameplay-wise, Sacred 3 is definitely its own beast, with a number of “issues” which prevent it from ranking much higher on critic’s lists.  This is even a bit infuriating too, as most aspects of the game are truly top notch.  Had certain changes / alterations been made it…

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On its face, Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland is indeed a JRPG, replete with all the classic tropes you’d expect to find therein, however, upon further inspect we discover that this game is actually quite different.  In truth, it seems to play out more like an interactive anime experience as opposed to your standard combat-driven RPG, which is either going to tickle your fancy or leave you hanging. Atelier Rorona Plus is of course, a remake of the original title (apparently the 11th in the long-running series) and sees you assuming the role of Rorona who suddenly finds…

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There are plenty of people all around the world who are avid gamers and enjoy playing a variety of computer games on devices such as laptops, PC computers and game consoles. This is not uncommon as computer games provide plenty of entertainment and fun to many gamers. However, some games provide more than just fun and entertainment. Online casinos, for example, allow gamers an opportunity to place a bet or wager and a chance to win some cash prizes. Betting also comes with a thrill and excitement because there is prize at stake. Professional gamblers and gamers revel in this…

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As a serious gamer in the MMO field, you know what you want out of your gaming experience, and with the expansive market hosting Massive Multiplayer Online games, it used to be a struggle to find the sites worth using—until now. Plarium hosts knockout MMO games that are sure to satisfy any gamer. The Plarium website is easy to use and allows fast access to your favorite games. You can easily sign up for the site through your Facebook profile, allowing you to get into the game faster. Plarium real time strategy games, which include Soldiers Inc. military game, Total Domination game, and…

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Imagine this: You wake up in an asylum in 1960’s Poland to find out that you’ve been in a persistent vegetative state since sustaining a head injury during escape from a Nazi facility in 1946. It turns out that the United States was forced to surrender to the Nazi’s in 1948, and they’ve taken over. Everything you used to know about life? It’s gone. The world is nothing but black suits, red flags, and rubble. Now it’s up to you to do what you failed to do during the war: join the Resistance and wipe out the Nazis. This is…

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Clearly, the Nascar (video game) series has went through some big changes and development over the years, entailing various creators, publishers and even spin-offs like “Nascar Kart Racing”.  With Nascar 14 however, we find the franchise turning back toward its roots a bit, providing the same kind of solid and realistic-minded design concepts that keep the hardcore fans coming back for more. Whether or not you’re going to want to actually spend the extra money on this edition is of course, largely dependent on whether or not you want/need Nascar 14’s new features.  For example, there’s been some internal tweaking…

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We thought it would be a good idea to do a review for the PS3 / PS4 edition of this game, which was orgionally released on PS3 in 2012 and now released on PS4. Let’s just put aside the fact that FFXIV: A Realm Reborn is a game that was made in order to make up for the failure that was FFXIV Online. Instead, we’ll focus on the title itself and its finer points. Perhaps the first thing you’ll notice about “A Realm Reborn” is that it’s a bit of a cross between modern and classic RPG’s. On the one…

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At first glance, “Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom” seems to be just another colorful and somewhat simplistic family-oriented game with some mild platforming elements.  Of course, when you load it up and begin playing, the first few minutes will introduce you to plenty of mystery and allure.  A youngster unlocks an ancient door within the British museum to reveal a strange hallway filled with menacing relics.  Proceeding down the path he discovers what appears to be a crystal tooth and removes it.  Naturally, this upsets the artifact’s guardians who spring to life and pursue him.  Barely making it out alive, we…

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For a lot of die-hard RPG fanatics, the release of Final Fantasy X was something of a landmark moment, a point where things became more valid and dynamic.  This was the first time that world maps were rendered to scale, with areas both inside and outside of towns being of comparable size and interactive on a deeper level, and they even managed to incorporate classic JRPG turn-based combat as well.  Given this basic understanding, when it was announced that FFX was going to get a high-definition makeover (and maybe a few extra perks as well) gamers were understandably excited. Of…

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All you need to know about “South Park: The Stick of Truth” is that it is offers a continuation of various themes from the show in addition to providing you with an awesome faux-RPG experience.  It’s not as if to say that this isn’t a truly honest role-playing title (because it is), only that developers Obsidian Studios and South Park Digital Studios have really pushed the envelope here to bring you a fantastically original game.  As expected, all of the familiar oddball characters and hilariously bizarre moments are packed into this title, along with some surprisingly satisfying gameplay.  The surprising…

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Being the culmination of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, or the Fabula Nova Crystallis series, “Lightning Returns: FFXIII” is pretty much the game that fans have been expecting.  All of the familiar FF moments and tropes are found here, albeit in a somewhat different form, but a nod toward classic RPG elements and gameplay is still ever-present. Occurring no less than 500 years following the events of the previous installment, the enigmatic “Lightning” (aka Claire Farron) has returned from stasis during the last 13 days of her world’s existence.  Naturally, her aim is to free the souls of humanity and…

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Since the early days of video gaming, the racing genre has been a steadfast feature for which numerous titles have been produced for each successive console.  In the midst of that development, the Gran Turismo series erupted on the PlayStation consoles and pretty much changed everything.  With the latest installment for the franchise, Gran Turismo 6, developer Polyphony Digital has taken things even further (on multiple fronts) in an effort to satiate racing aficionados. Naturally, alterations, additions and deletions have been made in an effort to build on and/or correct some of the issues encountered in GT5.  However, in spite…

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